
EMF Advocacy Initiatives (download PDF)

Donate to Worthy Organizations Working to Assure Electromagnetic Health & Safety

At once, you can support leading non-profits working on electromagnetic health awareness-raising, education and research. Donations will be received by National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy (NISLAPP), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, and allocated to the organizations listed below.

Citizens for Health Education Foundation (www.citizens.org)

Citizens for Health Educational Foundation is the 501(c) (3) affiliate of Citizens for Health, the leading national nonprofit consumer advocacy group working to broaden health care options, create an integrative health system based on wellness, and advance the freedom to make health choices. A 501(c) (4), Citizens has for decades promoted the fundamental policies needed to improve health choices and information in the U.S. and the world.  It works with grassroots and education organizations and the private sector to insure consumer access to a wide range of therapies, a healthy environment, safe foods, and the dietary supplements of their choice.  Citizens for Health fosters active citizen leadership and organizes natural health consumers to create political solutions that support these rights, and is actively committed to the emerging environmental public health issue of electromagnetic factors in health.

National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy

The National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy (NISLAPP) is a 501(c)(3)  founded in 1978 to bridge the gap between scientific uncertainties and the need for laws protecting public health and safety. Its overriding objective is to bring practitioners of science and law together to develop intelligent policy that best serves all interested parties in a given controversy. The constantly evolving nature of scientific research, together with the accelerated pace of technological advancement, has drawn into question the reliability of the information on which decision makers in both government and industry rely. Many of the innovations that have led to the development of new products and processes have also raised significant new health, safety, and efficacy issues for consumers. NISLAPP’s mission is to help reconcile the historic and political vagaries of the legal process with the absence of “absolute” scientific answers in addressing immediate and long-range consumer concerns.

Many thanks for supporting these important non-profit groups dedicated to protecting public health! Any amount that you can give is greatly appreciated. Should you wish to earmark a large donation to one of these EMF-focused non-profits in particular, please contact ElectromagneticHealth.org at (641) 715-3900 ext. 61768 # or E-mail [email protected] and we will be happy to arrange it.