
Congressman Kucinich Introduces Cell Phone Research, Warning Label Bill

Download Congressman Kucinich’s Press Release Here

National Legislation to Research Health Impacts of Cell Phones and to Label Cell Phones with Warnings Announced by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio)


We are so delighted to learn that Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has announced his intent to introduce a bill calling for a new national research program on cell phones and health. He is also calling for an update of decades old safety guidelines, which use the physics measure called the SAR value, and for radiation warning labels on cell phones, invoking a consumers ‘right-to-know’.


Two weeks ago, San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors affirmed citizens ‘right-to-know’ in passing an ordinance 10-1 requiring SAR values and safety education be available at the point of sale. Immediately following, the CTIA (cell phone industry association) pulled its $80 mm conference from San Francisco in retaliation. It has been reported that in the months leading up to the San Francisco vote, not only was the city of San Francisco threatened with this blow, but they were also told the CTIA had been in discussions with Apple (AAPL), Cisco (CSCO), Oracle (ORCL) and others, and could expect to be further penalized in unspecified ways. (See New York Times 6/25/10 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/27/opinion/27dowd.html)


Today marks an important turning point. While there have been Congressional hearings and briefings on cell phone safety over many years, including a briefing I organized and spoke at six weeks ago, this is the first pro-consumer legislation intended to protect public health from the hazards of wireless radiation. ElectromagneticHealth.org encourages all to rally behind Congressman Kucinich in support of this important step.


Cong. Kucinich, who is known as ‘America’s Most Courageous Congressman’ is indeed being courageous in pursuing this legislation. He epitomizes the leadership qualities all Americans should aspire to see in their government representatives. Leadership is about taking the courageous path of truth. In the case of cell phones and wireless technologies, there is sufficient evidence of harm from both the radiation and the frequencies of these communications technologies, and it is high time that Congress stop bending over backwards to accommodate telecom lobbyists’ interests at the expense of public health.


Over many decades, science on biological effects of microwave radiation has been suppressed, misinterpreted, countered with industry funded science, and our EPA bioelectromagnetics lab shuttered, while a $4 trillion dollar industry has proliferated globally unimpeded. Rights of state and local governments to resist the proliferation of wireless on health or environmental grounds were also taken away in what was the biggest federal power grab since the time of the railroads, in Sec. 704 of the Telecom Act of 1996. Regulatory bodies, like the FDA and the WHO, have been heavily influenced by industry, and have continually ignored the damning science that shows DNA damage, links to cancers and to many other acute and chronic illnesses, including many conditions that are the drivers of health costs that now represent 16% of our GDP. They shut their eyes to any science that does not show a ‘heating’ effect, virtually ignoring thousands of studies showing biological effect from electromagnetic field at non-heating exposures, including the risks of brain tumors.


The decades long story of what has been going on in the telecom industry to advance commercial interests at the expense of public health will be in book stores in September, in a riveting expose by epidemiologist Devra Davis, PhD, called Disconnect.


At ElectromagneticHealth.org, we greatly appreciate this important step being taken by Congressman Dennis Kucinch to shed light on the current science and to protect consumers ‘right-to-know’. We hope it inspires others to also stand up and take the path of truth. When we have more leaders taking noble stands, we will restore America to America.


Camilla Rees



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For Immediate Release:

Contact: Amy Vossbrinck (202) 225-5871

Kucinich Introduces Cell Phone Research, Warning Label Bill


WASHINGTON, D.C. (June 30, 2010) — Today Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) announced his intent to introduce a bill to create a new national research program to study cell phones and health, require an update of the decades-old Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and grant a consumer’s right-to-know by providing for warning labels on cell phones.

“Consumers have a right to know whether they are buying the phone with the lowest – or the highest – level of exposure to cell phone radiation. They also deserve to have up to date standards, which are now decades old,” said Kucinich.

Kucinich first called a hearing on the issue in 2008 as Chair of the Domestic Policy Subcommittee. Dr. Ronald Herberman, then Director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute testified to the Subcommittee, “I cannot tell this committee that cell phones are dangerous, but I certainly can’t tell you they are safe.”

Last month, the Interphone study, a major inquiry into the potential links between cell phone use and tumors, concluded that when taken as a whole, there was no link. However, when the data was broken down, more risk was found and the picture became clearer. Those using their cell phones only 30 minutes per day or more were found to have a 40% increased risk of a type of brain tumor called glioma. This risk increases to 96% if the phone is used mostly on one side of the head.

“Some studies find links. Some don’t. But studies funded by the telecommunications industry are significantly less likely to find a link between cell phones and health effects. We need a first-class research program to give us answers,” said Kucinich. “Until we know for sure, a labeling law will ensure that cell phone users can decide for themselves the level of risk that they will accept. Obviously, cell phone companies should not be the ones making that decision for us.”





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