
International EMF Medical Conference Videos (2021) – Now Free to Watch

A Virtual Conference

Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness

January 28 to 31, 2021


Watch the entire conference on
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/showcase/10624511

Watch the entire conference on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4rlYraNQvqCEibq4niZui4HuBHMwBuZG


Note: in each video, you can select Transcripts, and Settings to increase or slow the playback speed.


Pre-Conference Course: Electrosmog and Electrotherapeutics 101
(Formerly 4 CME/CE credits)

Magda Havas, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Trent University, Conference Co-Chair

1: The Big Picture: Bio-Geo-Electro Magnetics (29:06) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube
2: Radio Frequencies, Microwaves & 5G (34:33) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube
3: Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields (34:52) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube
4. Questions & Answers #1 with Dr. Havas (48:24) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube
5. Dirty Electricity (34:56) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube
6. Ground Current Pollution (40:27) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube
7. Electrotherapeutics: Frequency, Light & Electro-Therapy (25:26) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube
8. Questions & Answers #2 with Dr. Havas (57:51) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

EMF Medical Conference 2021:
Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment of EMF Associated Illness

(Formerly 20.5 CME/CE credits)

9. Welcome and Introductions, Hillel Baldwin, MD, Neurosurgeon, Conference Co-Chair (06:37) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube


Session 1: Radio Frequency Radiation Research


10: From Toxins to Towers: A Primer on the Science of Wireless Health Effects, Cindy Russell MD, Executive Director, Physicians for Safe Technology (49:02) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

11: U.S. National Toxicology Program Studies on Cell Phone Radiation, Ronald Melnick, PhD, Former Senior Toxicologist – U.S. National Toxicology Program, NIEHS/NIH (26:33) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

12: Radiofrequency Radiation Research, Moderator Devra L. Davis, PhD, MPH, Founding President, Environmental Health Trust, USA (10:33) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

13: Results of Carcinogenicity Bioassay on Rats Exposed to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Radiation, Fiorella Belpoggi, PhD, Scientific Director, The Ramazzini Institute, Italy (15:21)

Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

14: Oxidative Mechanisms of Health Effects of Low Intensity Radiofrequency/ Microwave Radiation, Igor Yakymenko, PhD, DrSc, Professor of Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Safety National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine (27:32)

Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

15: Rebuttal of Some of the Arguments that Most Present RFR Exposure Guidelines are Adequate to Protect the Public, Henry Lai, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Bioengineering, University of Washington (USA), Editor Emeritus, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine (16:22)

Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

16: Session 1: Panel Discussion/Q&A (30:26) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

17: Epidemiological, Clinical and Toxicological Evidence of RF-EMF on Reproduction, Devra L. Davis, PhD, MPH, Founding President, Environmental Health Trust, USA (30:52)

Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

18: Neurological Effects of Nonionizing Electromagnetic Fields, Henry Lai, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Bioengineering, University of Washington (USA), Editor Emeritus, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine (17:57) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

19: EMF and Biological Health Effects Panel Discussion, Q&A (8:20) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube


Session 2: EMF Biological and Health Effects


20: Brain Cancer and EMR … Is There a Link? Charles Teo, AM, MBBS, FRACS, Neurosurgeon (Australia) – Founder, Cure Brain Cancer Foundation (35:19) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

21: Panel Discussion: Brain Cancer and EMR, Dr. Teo, Dr. Davis, Dr. Lai, Dr. Baldwin, Dr. Havas (23:03) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

22: Functional Brain Scans of Patients Exposed to Neurotoxic Chemicals and/or EMF, Gunnar Heuser, MD, PhD (30:43) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

23: Diplomats’ Mystery Illness: Pulsed Radiofrequency/ Microwave Radiation, Beatrice Alexandra Golomb, MD, PhD (46:06) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

24: Session 2: Q&A, Dr. Goldberg, Dr. Golomb (17:45) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

25: Session 2: Panel Discussion, Dr. Havas, Dr. Golomb, Dr. Davis, Dr. Baldwin, Dr. Lai, Dr. Heuser (30:29) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

Session 3, Part 1: Prevention, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

26: Differential Diagnosis of Complex Cases, Elizabeth Seymour, MD, MS, BS, FAAFP (35:50) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

27: Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment of EMF Associated Illness (with focus on mobile phones and 5G) New Aspects on International Policies & Actions for Public Health, Piero Lercher, MD (19:25) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

28: Clinical Observations and Recommended Practice Guidelines for the Management of EHS Patients, Riina Bray, MD BASo, MSc, MCFP, MHSc (25:31) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

29: EMF Sensitivity Treatment Modalities, Stephanie McCarter, MD (29:49) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

30: Session 3, Part 1 Panel Discussion/Q&A, Dr. Baldwin, Dr. Seymour, Dr. Lercher, Dr. Bray, Dr. McCarter (31:37) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

Session 3, Part 2: Prevention, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

31: Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), Erica Mallery-Blythe, MD, BSBM (57:35) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

32: Electromagnetic Fields in Cancer Therapy, Joseph R. Salvatore, MD (37:21) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

33: Evidence-based Tools for Developing a Discriminating Eye for Dietary Supplement Quality – Focus on EMF Mitigation, Christopher D’Adamo, PhD (55:32) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

34: How to Create a Low EMF Building, Peter Sierck, CIEC, REA, EMRS, RFSO (1:02:43) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

35: Session 3 – Part 2: Panel Discussion Q&A, Dr. Mattson, Dr.  Goldberg, Dr. Salvatore, Dr. Mallery-Blythe, Dr. D’Adamo, Dr. Seymour, Dr. Lercher, Dr. Bray, Dr. McCarter, Mr. Sierck (1:02:39) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

Session 3, Part 3: Prevention, Differential Diagnosis and Treatment

36: Brain on Fire: How Biotoxins Cause Brain Inflammation, Mary Ackerley, MD, MD(H), ABIHM (30:07) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

37: Indoor Mold Illness: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment. Review of the Basics, Keith Berndston, MD (26:56) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

38: How to Advocate for Persons Who Have Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, Canadian Campaigns, Sheena Symington, B.Sc., M.A. (22:35) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

39: Bacterial Effects of EMF Exposure, Sharon Goldberg, MD (20:01) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

40: A Chicken in Every Pot, a Fiber in Every Home, Paul Héroux, PhD (47:16) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

41: Challenges and Benefits of EMFs in Energy Medicine, Karl Maret MD, M.Eng (30:18) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

42: Session 3, Part 3 Panel Discussion/Q&A, Dr. Mallery-Blythe, Dr. Havas, Dr. Ackerley, Dr. Goldberg, Dr. Héroux, Dr. Maret, Ms. Symington (27:00) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

Session 4, Part 1: Public Health Implications & Public Policy Review

43: Public Health Implications and Public Policy Review, Anthony B. Miller, MD, FRCP, FRCP (C), FFPH, FACE (24:04) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

44: Glow Kids – How Screen Addiction is Hijacking Our Kids – And How to Break the Trance, Nicholas Kardaras, PhD, LCSW (33:28) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

45: Overcoming the Dam of Denial, Mary Anne Tierney, RN, MPH, EMRS (16:30) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

46: Role Play, Mary Anne Tierney, RN, MPH and Cece Doucette, MTPW (9:44) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

47: Tech Addiction Intervention, Nicholas Kardaras, PhD, LCSW (6:20) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

48: Session 4 – Part 1: Panel Discussion/Q&A, Dr. Goldberg, Dr. Baldwin, Dr. Miller, Dr. Kardaras, Ms. Tierney Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

Session 4, Part 2: Public Health Implications & Public Policy Review

49: The FCC’s Legal Duties: To Inform and Protect the Public, Sharon Buccino, JD (20:25) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

50: International EMF Scientists Call for Protection of Humankind and Nature, Elizabeth (Libby) Kelley, MHA (17:52) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

51: International Governments Address the Health Issues Posed by Cell Phones, Wi-Fi, and 5G? A Review of International Policy, Theodora Scarato, MSW (20:28) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

52: U.S. State and Local Policy Review & Case Studies, Cecelia (Cece) Doucette, MTPW (31:02) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

53: Building a National Movement to Push Back Against 5G, Doug Wood (28:41) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube

54: Session 4, Part 2: Panel/Q&A, Dr. Russell, Ms. Buccino, Ms. Kelley, Ms. Scarato, Ms. Doucette, Mr. Wood, joined by Medical Journalist Ms. B. Blake Levitt (55:57) Watch on Vimeo or Youtube


Bonus Podcasts & Videos


See additional resources at the EMF Medical Conference 2021 website. Thank you.

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