
Expert Interview: The DNA & Cancer Connection with Jerry L. Phillips, PhD

Expert Interview: Jerry L. Phillips, Director of the Science Learning Center at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and Professor Attendant of Chemistry, is interviewed by ElectromagneticHealth.org founder Camilla Rees on the impact of cell phone radiation on DNA and the EMF-brain tumor connection. Dr. Phillips, a researcher in cell biology and molecular biochemistry, is one of the endorsers of the report,”Cellphones and Brain Tumor: 15 Reasons for Concern”, an analysis of the design flaws of the industry-funded Interphone study created by the International EMF Collaborative (http://sn.im/t0ogz). His team was the first to report DNA damage as a consequence of radio frequency radiation.


Dr. Phillips will be speaking this Sunday, November 8th at the EMR Policy Institute’s conference on “Electromagnetic Radiation Impacts on Human Health” at the Colorado School of Mines (http:/greencenter.mines.edu/). To register, contact Deb Carney, Esq. at 303-526-0214 or [email protected].


Ms. Rees is co-author with Magda Havas, PhD of the book, “Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution” (Amazon:http://sn.im/t31ux).