
READ ALL ABOUT IT! – Advance News on Imminent Interphone Study – Cell Phones Are Linked to Brain Cancer

Even before the news embargo is lifted on the 5-year delayed Interphone study, news reports out of the U.K. have begun to appear communicating the very moving news that this long awaited study will indeed acknowledge that long term use of cell phones is associated with increased risk of brain tumors. The pooled results of the 13-country study (for gliomas and meningiomas only) will be pubished in the International Journal of Epidemiology on Tuesday. Stay tuned for upcomig analysis from the International EMF Collaborative, authors of the landmark report, “Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern, Science, Spin and the Truth Behind Interphone”. The essence of the analysis will reveal that the risk of brain tumors from cell phone use is indeed far worse that has just been acknowledged.

Recent Press:

Heavy Mobile Users Risk Cancer

The Sunday Times (UK)

May 16, 2010


Landmark Study Set to Show Potential Dangers of Heavy Mobile Phone Use

The Telegraph (U.K.)


Study links mobile phone use to brain tumours

The Scotsman
