Important New Russian Research on Cell Phone Radiation’s Effect on Cognitive and Other Functions in Children
Psychophysiological Indicators for Child Users of Mobile Communications Devices: 1) Overview of Present State of the Problem and 2) Results of 4-Year Monitoring of Cognitive, Memory and Other Functions in 196 Children Ages 7-12 who used Mobile Communications Devices
Russian researchers affiliated with the Russian Academy of Sciences yesterday published two studies in Radiation Biology. Radiation Ecology. 2011. Volume 51, No.5, p.611-623 that describe the effects of mobile phone radiation exposure on children’s bodies, showing that children’s bodies are more sensitive than adults, and showing an increased number of phonemic perception disorders, abatement of efficiency, reduced indicators for the arbitrary and semantic memory, and increased fatigue. A steady decline of the parameters over 4 years from high values to bottom standards has been found. believes it is imperative governments around the world take steps to improve environments for children so they are free of electromagnetic fields.
Professor Yury Grigoriev, who is Chairman of Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, a member of the WHO’s International Advisory Committeeon “EMF and Health”, says of the results:
“Our recent 4-year monitoring of effects from cell phone radiation on children, published in Radiation Biology. Radiation Ecology (Volume 51, No.5, 2011), demonstrates an increase in phonemic perception disorders, abatement of efficiency, reduced indicators for the arbitrary and semantic memory and increased fatigue. Over the four-year monitoring of 196 children ages 7-12 who were users of mobile communication devices, a steady decline in these parameters from high values to bottom standards compared was observed. The short-term and long-term potential consequences for society from exposing children to microwave radiation from cellular communication devices must be immediately acknowledged, globally, and responsibly addressed.”
Psychophysiological Indicators for Child Users of Mobile Communication. Message 1: Present State of the Problem
N. I. Khorseva1, Yu. G. Grigoriev2, N. V. Gorbunova 1
1 Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, 119334 Russia; e-mail: [email protected]
2 A.I. Burnazian Federal Medical Biophysical Center FMBA of Russia, Moscow
An overview of the epidemiological and experimental evidence for exposure of humans and animals to electromagnetic radiation produced by mobile phones is provided. The effects of mobile phone radiation on the child’s body are considered in detail. It has been shown that the children’s organism is more sensitive to this kind of exposure than the adult one.
Radiation Biology. Radiation Ecology. 2011. Volume 51, No.5, p.611-616.
Psychophysiological Indicators for Child Users of Mobile Communication. Message 2: Results of Four-year Monitoring
N. I. Khorseva 1, Yu. G. Grigoriev 2, N. V. Gorbunova 1
1 Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences N. M. Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences,Moscow, 119334 Russia; e-mail: [email protected] 2 A.I. Burnazian Federal Medical Biophysical Center FMBA of Russia, Moscow
This study submits the results of a four-year monitoring of a complex diagnostics of the psichophysiological indicators for 196 children aged 7 to 12 years old: 147 of them are child users of mobile communication (test group) and 49 are in the control group. We have identified the following major trends of the psichophysiological indicators for child users of mobile communication: an increased number of phonemic perception disorders, abatement of efficiency, reduced indicators for the arbitrary and semantic memory, an increased fatigue. A steady decline of the parameters from high values to bottom standards has been found.
Radiation Biology. Radiation Ecology. 2011. Volume 51, No.5, p.617-623.
Russian Language Studies Message 1 and Message 2
ALSO, download Mobile communications and health of population: the risk assessment, social and ethical problems by Yury Grigoriev
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